A Workout for the Planet - Sustainable Fitness Fashion

The Benefits of Sustainable Fitness Fashion. Sustainable brands often use recycled materials, reduce water consumption, and minimize chemical usage, leading to a smaller carbon footprint. EXAMPLE: At American Fitness Couture, our state-of-the-art dye house now uses 33% less water than traditional dye houses. We drive hybrids for all our deliveries, and recycle and reuse our boxes and bags. We produce small batch garments using best practices to minimize fabric cutting and overage waste. We are incredibly proud to be from fabric to finish, 100% American Made, local, small business. So no extra gas or emissions shipping—and we’re a part of supporting and growing our community and neighbors.

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3 Ways to Make Your Workout Eco-Friendly

For most, squeezing in daily workouts is hard enough, much less ensuring you’re helping the environment at the same time--but it’s easier than you think. We’ve rounded up some super simple habits you can incorporate into your workout routine (starting today!) that can improve your fitness performance without leaving a huge carbon footprint.  Opt...
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